Monday, April 8, 2013

Dry Dock- Hop Abomination

Picked up a six pack of Hop Abomination last week and thought "Yay! Another IPA in cans!  And I've never even heard of this brewery.  How fun!"  
On Friday I left for a quick brewery tour weekend in Denver.  When I'm in the city I feel like I should do what most country people do and take advantage of being able to buy things in stores, but I hate shopping and the only thing I could think to buy was grains.  So my friend says that there is a great home brew shop... on the other side of town.  But it's okay because it is also right next to a great brewery, so we can go.  Perfect!
Well we get to The Brew Hut and I immediately recognize Dry Dock Brewing.  Turns out I had been there before and I loved it.  Great beers, great atmosphere and free popcorn!  So 2 days and 58lbs of grain later I get to have to Hop Abomination on tap at a brewery, it turns out, I'd already been to.

For the second time around, neither Dry Dock nor the Hop Abomination disappointed.  When poured out of the can you can see the hoppy goodness floating around.  Usually I have an aversion to solids in my liquids but for hops, I'll get over it.  A nice full body is followed up by a very resiny hoppiness.  As they describe it,
 "A hoppy warship of an IPA. Massive
amounts of floral, citrus and tropical
hop flavors lurk beneath ivory
whitecaps, swirling amid glowing
golden seas, waiting to conquer
your palate with their bitter
deliciousness. Our take on an
American favorite."
I agree!

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